Dorothy Perkins floral maxi dress

Let’s catch up: what’s been happening (and what I’ve been wearing) in June

I’m writing this on a train, which is one of my favourite things about trains; you don’t have to be doing anything else because travelling from one place to another is the thing that you’re doing, so you can use the time to catch up on all the things that have fallen by the wayside… Continue reading Let’s catch up: what’s been happening (and what I’ve been wearing) in June


An everyday hair styling routine for loose, lived in curls

...aka how I try to give the illusion of having an Instagram-worthy mane on the regs despite actually having pretty rubbish hair. I’m writing this because a couple of people requested it over on Instagram – I know, I know, I almost don’t believe it either, considering I spend alternate days looking like Hagrid (wild,… Continue reading An everyday hair styling routine for loose, lived in curls

Fashion, Life

Will this be the year I shake off summer dressing dread? (Spoiler: no, but let’s talk about it anyway)

My first denim skirt wearing session of the year lasted a grand total of about 90 minutes and exposed parts of my legs that hadn’t been exposed in a while to the people of Norwich. I spent the whole of said 90 minutes excruciatingly aware of this fact, pulling the stupid thing down every few… Continue reading Will this be the year I shake off summer dressing dread? (Spoiler: no, but let’s talk about it anyway)

28 things that, aged 28, I'm still yet to master

28 things that, at the age of 28, I am still yet to master

For anyone who doesn’t follow me on Instagram and therefore didn’t have the pleasure of seeing me make a big song and dance about it, it was my birthday at the weekend. I turned 28. This is the blog post that would have gone up on my birthday/the day after if I wasn't too busy… Continue reading 28 things that, at the age of 28, I am still yet to master