Fashion, Life

Being a new blogger in 2017

Floral and denim for summer

Recently I’ve not been able to shake off the feeling that I am very, very late for something, and that something is blogging. Before I finally took the plunge and just did it, I’d been wanting to start Sophar So Good (although lol there were definitely a variety of name ideas that came before that) for around 3 or 4 years – but I didn’t, and now it’s 2017, and everyone and their dog has a blog.

Sorry to go off topic already, but is that true, anyone? Are there any dogs with blogs? Enough of them seem to have Instagram so I’m sure there must be a canine blogger or two out there by now.

Even as a reader it’s obvious to me (I’m sure its even more so if you were in the thick of it) that blogging has changed drastically over the years, and now as a newbie I’m constantly struck by just how impossible it is to ‘catch up’.

Florals and DenimFloral blouse and denim skirt

This might sound weird, but something I’ve always found interesting to do is go back to the first ever post of a blog I enjoy reading, just to see how they started out. And yes, if there isn’t an Archives section I will literally go through a million pages clicking ‘Older’ over and over again until I get to the earliest post I can find. Since I’m currently publishing the posts that will one day be my early ones, I just think it’s really fascinating to see how someone’s work has evolved. (Sorry if you are a blogger and one day you could see that someone had read like your first 10 posts even though you’ve been blogging for 5 years or whatever…that might have been me.)

Anyway, in a lot of cases, those first posts are a fair few years ago and are along the lines of ‘Hi! I don’t know if anyone will ever read this lol but welcome to my first blog post, I’ve decided to give this a go so look out for more posts from me soon! Bye xxx’ or an iPhone photo of a lipstick and a couple of hundred words about the search for the perfect red.

Floral blouse and denim for summerFlorals denim and sliders

Fast forward to 2017 and blogging is slick, it’s incredibly professional looking and the gulf between a beginner and someone who has been doing it for years feels too enormous to cross. You see beautifully curated content and photos that wouldn’t look out of place in a glossy magazine and your first thought has to be okay, well I’m not in the Maldives, I don’t have my own photographer and I sure as hell don’t have a spare few grand for that outfit, so how can I ever be part of this?!

For the most part, of course, the changes in blogging are hugely positive and I’m a big fan of the shiny new stuff as well as the more old school posts, but it means that when you’re just starting out, being a ‘proper blogger’, whatever that even means, feels a world away and completely unattainable. This isn’t just about the old relatability debate, although I’m sure we can discuss that properly another time, because I actually think it’s fantastic that the boundaries of blogger content creation have been pushed so far, and power to those girls and guys who have been able to produce such beautiful work. It’s also about the vast amount of blogs out there already, the huge numbers of followers associated with some of those blogs, and the feeling of being behind already when you’ve only just started.

When you start a blog in 2017 it feels like you have to sort of skip a phase that supposedly every other blogger had. The one where you pose in a Miss Selfridge outfit in your uni bedroom and take photos on self timer on your phone. The one where you write 300 words about your day shopping and lunch at costa coffee. When I was starting Sophar So Good I felt that I had to catch up immediately (which is impossible), or I had to accept that I was a failure.

You see, pretty much everything feels out of reach when blogging is a discipline that is well over a decade old now and there are such a huge number of people doing a really really good job of it. Blogging IS a saturated market, there’s no getting around it. That absolutely does not mean that other people shouldn’t get involved, because they should – if you want to do it, then go for it! But it does mean that being realistic, not everyone is going to be the next Zoella. It does mean that it will get harder every year to stand out.

Florals and denim outfitTop – Topshop | Skirt – Next | Sandals – Primark | Sunnies – Primark

I almost didn’t post this outfit, for example. It’s quite a nice outfit (in my opinion anyway or I probably wouldn’t have worn it), but it’s not a fantastic outfit and that doesn’t feel good enough. It doesn’t feel blogger enough or different enough; it’s just a denim skirt and a floral blouse, so it’s hardly the height of fashion, and maybe if I want to ‘catch up’, which apparently I’m so hellbent on doing, it’s not enough.

So you’re the new girl, arriving at a massive school towards the end of the academic year and you don’t have all the equipment yet and you don’t know what anyone is talking about because you’re still trying to get to grips with the most basic lesson and you’re wearing a top you got last week in the New Look sale but it looks like everyone is wearing the latest designer collections at this school. It’s intimidating, it feels like you’ll never get anywhere, and if you’re as much of a perfectionist as I am, it can be disheartening.

But don’t worry; the good thing about this analogy is, of course, that people are essentially nice, and there just so happen to be some of the loveliest ones ever at this school. The others have been there all different lengths of time. There are some people who have been there six months and they’re also still on the very first lesson. There are some people who have been there a year and it seems like a lot of people know them and they talk to you often and make you feel welcome, telling you that they like your top and they also bought one last week in the New Look sale. And there are some who have been around for years and they’re quite far ahead of you and they seem to be getting As in every lesson and someone has paid them to talk about the shoes they’re wearing, but they make an effort to tell you they like what you’re doing anyway – so in time, you’ll probably find your place here.

Topshop frilled blouseSummer floral and denimFloral top denim skirt outfit

Photos: Beth Atkins

I’m a sociable gal, so I’d love it if you followed me on Instagram | Twitter | Bloglovin

85 thoughts on “Being a new blogger in 2017”

  1. Love this post and totally get what you mean! I started mine last year but really devoted more time this year and it can feel like we’ve missed out on a lot, but each blog is different and it’d be boring if we all started in the same way and churned out the same/similar content! I love your blog and your outfit posts! ❤️


  2. I feel you girl! I have days where I feel like giving up on blogging, everything’s already been covered so what can I bring to the table? Who knows but I enjoy it so that’s good enough for me haha. Let’s meet up soon! x


    1. Ahh yes thats exactly it – but like you say, I do enjoy it so just carrying on anyway! (as you can see I’m massively behind on comment replies haha). Hope you had a good weekend – let me know if you are about next weekend at all as I am looooow on photos as usual haha xx


  3. I always love trying to figure out exactly where you are in Norwich for your photoshoots hehe! I definitely agree with you about the gulf between “newbie” and “pro” bloggers – I’ve been blogging for about a year now and I still feel like I have a long way to go in terms of my theme and my photography before I can really call myself a true blogger! I think you were absolutely right to post this outfit, you look gorgeous and definitely good enough! Keep going, there is room in the blogging world for everyone!

    Abbey 😘


    1. Haha – that sounds like a pretty good game actually (and this is on Piggs Lane just off Quay Side)! It really is such a massive difference isn’t it, feels absolutely impossible to get anywhere near how glossy and polished some blogs are nowadays. I love your blog and would never for a minute say you weren’t a ‘true’ blogger – although I completely know the feeling too! Thanks so much for reading Abbey, and I think you’re right…even if I dont ever get anywhere with it, there’s definitely room for everyone, that’s the beauty of it really 🙂 xxx


  4. I felt the same way when I started blogging last year.. But after a while i realized trying to catch up just wasn’t my style. I eventually just settled on writing whatever i wanted and I have built quite the community and met a lot of people over the past year! 🙂


    1. Love that – that’s exactly what I’ve decided to do too, just write what I want and enjoy it. So good to hear that you have met lots of people from it, that’s great! 🙂 x


    1. Such a good point – I bet if I’d have started 2 years ago I’d still be feeling it! I’m really glad I did too, for lots of reasons but getting to interact with such a lovely bunch of people including you is definitely a big one. Thanks for always being so supportive girl xxx


  5. You just made me go back to my first ever blog post for a chuckle! You could definitely tell that I read blogs but the photo quality is awful. I remember I used to write huge chunks of text and then chuck loads of photos at the bottom of the post.

    I LOVE your blog, you definitely shouldn’t worry. Most of us don’t have photographers and exotic locations to take perfect photos in, I think us smaller bloggers rely more on our personalities and being true to ourselves. I love your style and always look forward to seeing what outfits you’ve put together (I’m always very jealous!)

    There are definitely a hell of a lot of bloggers out there and I love catching up with all of the big stars, swooning over their photos and feeling slightly envious at their success, but I also adore all of my favourite smaller blogs. Bloggers that I feel I know, that I chat to online, that share gorgeous clothes that I can buy myself from the high street.

    Blogging is whatever you want it to be and there’s nothing wrong with being a small fish in a big pond. I realised that a few years ago when I decided to start writing for myself and for people in my local area who want to know about the best cake shops and places to visit in the North – I forgot about being a carbon copy blogger and started to think of myself more of a North East ambassador and writer. Find your niche, do what makes you happy and forget what everyone else is doing.

    I am waffling, I have no idea where I’m going with this .. but I honestly think your blog is awesome and I love reading it!


    1. Haha as soon as I saw that I was straight there having a look at your first few posts. I still love reading old school blog posts because they’re the kind I remember reading when I first started getting into blogs 🙂 I love what you said about smaller bloggers and completely agree – it is so nice to catch up on blogs where you feel like you know the person, have spoken to them on social or whatever, and feel a lot ‘closer’ to you than some of the superstars. I am probably more likely to end up visit/using/buying something that they suggest too, so I guess it works from that way too – as the item is more likely to be something accessible for me!

      I think you do such a fantastic job as a North East ambassador, it shows in everything you do and you’ve obviously worked hard at it for a long time – I love how you decided just not to be a carbon copy! I have no idea what my niche is at the moment but I’m certainly just doing/writing/creating whatever makes me happy so that will do for now 🙂 Thank you so much for such an awesome comment, I am mega behind with allllll blog stuff at the moment so have been shocking at replies, but I really really appreciate it x


  6. I love how honest you’ve been in this post! I’m glad i aren’t the only one who looks at peoples archives to see their older posts! I’ve been blogging for two years now and I still feel new to it all, there is so much to learn and so many others doing it. The one thing that experience has taught me is that you don’t have to be like everybody else, you don’t have to be in the Maldives and wear nothing, but expensive brands to be a blogger; you have to be you. Part of the joy of having a blog is being able to write about whatever you want to write about. I personally love this outfit, and think you look stunning! Keep going lovely, there’s a place for everyone!xx

    Hannah | luxuryblush

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ahhh thank god it’s not just me who’s a bit of an archive browser! Thanks so much for reading and commenting Hannah – and that’s great advice. I don’t think I can do anything but be myself and write about whatever takes my fancy, so that’s what I’m going with for now! (and lets just hope I make it to the Maldives one day because on a separate note it looks bloody lovely there 😜😂) xxx


  7. I completely get where you are coming from, and the only advice that makes sense is to just be yourself. I love this outfit as long as you are true to your self you will do great. Don’t let it get you down, your photos are brilliant, your content is fantastic and your style is lovely xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin


    1. Ahh this is the most lovely comment – thank you so so much! That’s absolutely what I am going to do, and I am loving it so far 😊 xxx


  8. You put all my thoughts into words, it’s not an easy thing to start and a lot of time it feels like your just talking to an empty room but I guess you have to enjoy talking to an empty room at first haha


    1. Hahaha – love it! Yep, that’s pretty much the situation, but I do enjoy writing away for myself so if it’s empty room to begin with thats fine by me! 🙌


  9. This is such a lovely post – I’ve just discovered your blog and I’m a fan! I’ve been blogging for many years, and still find it a struggle to ‘keep up’ – so I can’t imagine the pressure if you’ve just started. Also, this outfit is great – so something I’d wear!



    1. Ahh thank you so much Milly, I’m so pleased you like it 🙂 Definitely realising that most people feel the pressure to keep up too no matter how long they have been doing it for! Thanks for reading x


  10. Girl this post was so interesting to read, I’ve been blogging for nearly six years and I still feel the ‘need’ to catch up, everyone is just absolutely smashing it out of the park (which is amazing but SO intimidating how slick and professional some peoples blogs are). I’ve learnt to not compare myself over the years and just focus on you! I love your blog and think you’ll do SO well – just stay authentic and carry on doing what you do best, being you! ❤

    Hayley xo


    1. Oh you babe, this comment made me smile so much – THANK YOU, what a lovely thing to say. Definitely need to focus on not comparing, it’s surprisingly difficult to stop but when I just focus on doing what I want is when I enjoy it the most. Thanks so much for reading and for always being so supportive xxx


  11. Ahh please don’t put too much pressure on yourself to ‘catch up’ – you’re doing amazingly! I’ve been blogging for over two years now (and am suddenly paranoid that you went back and read my first post which was definitely of the ‘hey read my blog for some more posts’ lines haha!) and I still feel like I’m catching up – I think it’s just an industry where you’re always going to be striving to be better so there’s never really an end point where you would feel like you could stop and relax. And definitely don’t worry about posting an outfit you don’t think is ‘blogger’ enough because the whole point is your blog is about you and people will read it because they like you 🙂
    Amy xx


    1. Haha I definitely already had done that (I’m awful, I do it to everyone, I just think its so interesting and lovely!). I definitely think that’s true – especially after all the comments on this – that it’s just one of those industries where you will always feel the need to keep up/catch up no matter how long you have been doing it. Which is really cool in a way, because I like to make things as good as possible…its just a bit intimidating at times! First thing I need to get better at is probably setting aside more time to reply to comments 🙈 attempting to clear the backlog this week! xxx


  12. i feel the same. i always feel i’m too late for blogging and youtube whih puts so much pressure on me. i’m a very nostalgic blog person and i usually prefer videos from 2010/11 because i think everything was so much more easy going back then and there was less money involved.


    1. It’s true, when you have that niggling feeling that you’re late to it all it does add so much pressure onto the whole thing, which is silly but I definitely get that too. I love watching good old youtube videos! xxx


  13. This is wonderful! I totally understand and sympathize with absolutely everything you’re saying! I know the fear of wondering if you’ll ever “catch up” but I think we will for sure, as long as we stay dedicated, true to ourselves, and nice to each other! I think everyone who really wants a blog can succeed, especially if they put a little piece of themselves into it, which it seems like you do 🙂 you also are a very good writer! I enjoyed reading this and can’t wait to check out some more of your stuff 🙂 xo

    -Helene ❤


    1. Thank you so much Helene, what a wonderful comment to receive and I’m so glad you like my writing! I think you’re right – it’s natural to want to succeed at what you’re doing and the best way I can think of to do that is to be yourself, work hard and put a little piece of yourself into it. Hope you are enjoying your blog, I’ll have to check it out this evening xxx


  14. I know what you’re saying about catching up! I feel like it’s harder to keep up blogging as time goes on. It’s not because one’s content isn’t great, but that geologically you can be at a disadvantage and without a photographer/amazing photography you are totally out of the game. We live in a world that needs visually pleasing images, and I feel without that we are just left behind.

    I wish I joined blogging when taking photos of myself in the mirror is still a thing!!

    Heba xx

    The Heba


    1. Ahhh I completely feel you on this one! When I first started reading blogs there were a lot of mirror photos in fashion posts, which would have been a lot easier than dragging a friend or someone to take photos in the street (which I’m rubbish at anyway haha…). If only we had started sooner 🙈 xxx


    1. Thank you so much Courtney – what a lovely comment ❤️ You seem to be doing really well with your blog and your instagram! It’s difficult to stop comparing yourself to others, but I agree with you it is so important x


  15. Such a great post and summarises exactly how I feel 😊 I have been blogging for just over a year now. I can’t wait to read more of your posts and I am so glad you took the plunge. 💖


    1. Well done on a year of blogging! Hope you are loving it – and glad you could relate to the post 🙂 Thanks so much for reading xxx


  16. I loved Hayley’s point above- even bloggers who’ve been blogging for years are now struggling because they feel the need to “catch up”. You’re doing great and a genuine voice always shines through the hubbub! xx


    1. That’s definitely the sense I’m getting from a lot of the comments – that it’s not a feeling that’s going to go away completely with time! It’s positive in a way because there are always improvements to be made and I love to do things as well as I can (punctual replies to comments aside in this instance…) but it’s a little intimidating too! Thanks so much Amanda xx


  17. I can totally identify with this post! I first started blogging in 2011 and did fairly well. But I had a crisis of confidence and after 5 years, I deleted it from the face of the internet. Not my smartest idea! But now, after lots of deliberation, I’ve got back into it and am most definitely at the bottom of the blogger pile. Thank god we enjoy it, hey?! Lauren,


    1. Oh my, that’s brave! Probably best not to dwell on it too much now – because yes, thank god we enjoy it! I hope you are enjoying your second blog very much 🙂 xx


  18. Ah Sophie this is super interesting. I absolutely see where you are coming from – it is super saturated and there is a pressure to quickly find a style and stick to it, rather than experiment over the years (some of my earlier posts are hilarious!) Annoyingly I decided to delete a few of them and I wish I didn’t now! It is interesting to see how people grow. I absolutely 100% believe you are going to do so, so well gal – I love your blog / writing / snaps / errythang… Just gotta keep on at it 🙂 Immy x


    1. Ahh I wish I could see some of your earlier posts, I love reading previous stuff people have written (and I’m sure in a few years I’ll be like ‘what was i thinking?!’ about this haha). I am definitely feeling the pressure to find and stick to a style, although I’m not quite sure what that might be yet…thank you so, so much gal – as you might be able to tell I’m super behind with my comment replies – this was just the nicest comment and I’ll certainly keep on at it! ❤️ xx


  19. I’ve been blogging for 5 years and I still feel like I’m playing catch up. It’s a heavily saturated market and I find it hard to stand out myself. There is a new bread of blogger who simply uses ‘Instagram’, to me that isn’t blogging but it is a whole other level to saturate the market further. I think there is room for everyone in blogging, I find it to be my only creative outlet and I’ve met so many friends through it 🙂 Good luck and keep up the awesome work.

    Lauren x | bylaurenjane


    1. It really is a heavily saturated market – with so many talented people! I definitely find it hard to stand out too. It’s a little reassuring to know that even people who have been doing it years have the same feeling about keeping up with it all (although slightly worrying for the future haha). I agree though, there is room for everyone in blogging and that’s one of the things that’s so great about it 🙂 Thanks so much for reading and commenting xx


  20. There was SO much of this post I loved and that resonated for me…
    I have been a long time blog reader (I too used to love doing that going back to the beginning posts thing). I used to blog, then on and off, and now TRYING again, but I don’t seem to find *time* to post – because now, unlike when I blogged back in 2011, a post weighs so much more – not just me rambling and going with it.
    It’s all so slick – which makes for great reading – but hard to keep up (or catch up because you’re right!)
    And then I’m like, why am I bothering?! I don’t have anyting to add or say that’s useful… but I love the blogging world. Reading and being part of it. So why aren’t I trying to get in there?!


    1. Ahh I love this comment, I think those are such good points – a post DOES weigh more in 2017 than it did when I first started reading blogs where people were really just going with the flow. I do love the massive leap in quality over those years, I think it’s so impressive and some beautiful content has been produced, but it is very intimidating at times! I completely know what you mean when you said you don’t have anything to add because I feel that a lot too, but of course you do – that’s what makes the blogging world so great I think 🙂 xxx


  21. Hi, Sophie and welcome to the blogging world! My name is McKenzie but most of my gals around here call me McKenz and despite having been a blogger for a year and a half now I feel the same as you do in many ways. Being 16 as a blogger and trying to get out there is very hard especially in terms of getting out there and being noticed amongst bloggers that are full time with it and live in a big fancy house with three kids if you know what i mean. I too love stumbling across a bloggers very first post and it is my first post that I go to when visiting a blog as well. It just seems like the blogger in their rawest most vulnerable time. I came across your blog looking for girls to engage with and follow today and it seems I have stumbled across a very interesting one here. I too want to see girls like you and I succeed and wish you the absolute best look. Just followed you on here and insta! Feel free to check me out @styledbymckenz / if you’d like! 🙂


    1. Hi McKenzie – I know exactly what you mean about the first post being the blogger in their rawest and most vulnerable time, I think there’s a lot of truth in that for lots of people. It’s interesting to hear that even after a year and a half you still get these feelings – based on your and other comments it seems no matter how long you’ve been doing this you still feel a certain amount of pressure to ‘keep up’ or ‘catch up’. Thanks so much for reading and following, I will have to check out your blog and instagram 🙂 x


  22. Every single word of this is spot on! There’s so much pressure to be taking perfect pictures and writing lengthy posts that it sometimes feels like the fun is taken out of it. I’ve learnt that it’s all about writing what you feel strongly about and then if others like it too that’s great.! And although you don’t think your outfit is blog worthy, I think you look great and I really want your top!


    1. Ahh thank you so much 🙂 And that’s exactly what I’m going to try to do – just keep writing what I want to (if you feel strongly about it then its much easier to write anyway isnt it!) and if people read then fantastic – if not, at least I am enjoying it xxx


  23. Blogging and keeping up with this blogging world/community can be so daunting.
    I’ve been blogging for years and still don’t feel like I fit anywhere. My photos aren’t always edited, I don’t own many blogging props, I don’t have a niche… but I’m okay with that.

    It can really feel like you’re a teeny fish in a humongous ocean but that doesn’t make you any less important. I’m still trying to learn how to be my own kind of blogger and I’m having fun doing it.

    Great post x


    1. Thank you so much for reading – and it’s reassuring to hear from people who have been blogging years and still feel that ‘keeping up’ is a daunting prospect (although also a bit worrying that that feeling never leaves haha)! I do think as long as you are having fun and taking pleasure from what you are doing, it doesn’t really matter about anything else. It just takes a bit of work to make yourself realise that sometimes – to be your own kind of blogger, as you say 🙂 Really appreciate your comment xxx


  24. haha I love how you go back and people’s older posts to see how they’ve grown (although saying that…please don’t go and look at mine because they are so cringe worthy haha).

    I still feel pretty ‘behind’ with blogging as well and I completely get what you mean about overthinking your outfit because I do that all the time! I don’t feel like a lot of my outfits really merit a post but at the same time, I think I’d love it if more people just did what they wear in a day and it wasn’t an outfit with like a $4,000 bag.

    Anyway, I like to think that we’ll all find our place in the blogging world as well, just like the real world 🙂

    Julia // The Sunday Mode


    1. Haha I feel like I have to look at some of your early ones now, that always happens when you’re told not to do something doesnt it 🙈 I love them, they’re the kind I read when I first started getting into blogs so I still really enjoy reading them! And yes – that’s exactly it. When I shoot an outfit I then overthink it like am I reeeeeally going to post about this? But there are certainly no expensive bags in my wardrobe so I have to just go with things I own and like. Thanks so much for reading Julia xxx


    1. Ahh thanks lovely, very late on replying to comments as you can probably tell but I will make sure I go back and look 🙂 xxx


  25. I love love love this post! There are days where my mind gets so puzzled because there are SO many bloggers out there. Millions and millions. It scares me a little, to be honest.

    I’m a new blogger too, and I’ve wanted to start a blog like 5 years ago! Sometimes I really make myself mad because maybe if I started it 5 years ago, I’d probably have a much better following. But maybe since we both held off for so long, it was meant to be and something good will come out of it!

    Nicole |


    1. That is exactly what I often think too, ‘what would my blog look like now if I’d started it all those years ago?’ – but we didn’t, so it’s probably not helpful to think about it too much! I like your way of looking at it though; fingers crossed that something good comes of it. I’m enjoying it so much anyway which is good enough for me! Thanks so much for reading Nicole xxx


  26. This post spoke to me on so many levels! I’m a new blogger..less than a month. I’ve been contemplating jumping in for many wasted years…finally I acted. It’s been quite a learning curve, but we all have to start somewhere. Hopefully, one day I will look back on my first post and remember the excitement of not knowing where it could take me.


    1. Congrats on taking the plunge and starting your blog – I only did in April so I know exactly what you mean about contemplating for many wasted years! Really glad you could relate to the post and thanks so much for reading and commenting 🙂 x


  27. It’s never too late to start a blog and you’re doing so well I wouldn’t doubt yourself 🙂 I think you’re right too, people are essentially nice and it’s a positive community to be a part of. I can’t imagine not having my blog or YouTube channel now! Lovely post.

    Ella xx


    1. Ahh thank you so much Ella! I really have found it such a positive community from the outset which has been lovely xxx


  28. This is 100% how I feel, despite blogging for two years already! I had never entered the community before, just blogged for myself and I NEVER realised how seriously it was taken, now I feel like I’ve wasted the last two years. I adore your blog and how well written your posts always are, such a joy to read x

    Rachel |


    1. That last bit made me smile a LOT, thank you so much! I spend a long time writing my posts (I’m really slow at it haha) so when someone says something like that it is the best feeling! Definitely dont feel you’ve wasted the last two years though, think how many posts you’ve done and how much you have improved in that time 👏 😘 xxx


  29. This is such a good post! So much insight and honesty into a topic so many people avoid. I think there’s room for another blog on the block, despite what it might sometimes feel like and ESPECIALLY when you have posts as awesome as this one 🙂


    1. Ahh Lucy thank you so much – this is such a lovely comment to read! I’m so happy you enjoyed it (and also of course that you think there’s room for another blogger on the block 😁) xx


  30. I couldn’t agree more with this! But all you can do is not focus on stats or people but forced in the ‘whys’ you started and just enjoy it 🙂



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