
Summer style: more yellow, please

How to wear the yellow trend

You know sometimes, I get a bit of a fascination with a certain style or trend and then I go on and on about it to you all? (case studies; embroidery, gingham, ruffles). Really sorry to have to tell you, but this is going to be another one of those times, and today I’m all about the colour yellow.

I’ve never really worn it before now – in fact I don’t know if I’ve ever owned a yellow item. Unless you count dodgy childhood outfits; I distinctly remember a yellow, orange and pink tie dye shorts and crop top set that I used to wear on holiday which my sister also had. The things mothers put us in in the nineties really were something, weren’t they?

Styling yellowHow to style a yellow midi skirt

Anyway, I noticed that yellow seemed to be having a bit of a moment, with lots of people who are definitely very trendy and cool and fashion rocking it, and I thought right, okay, I’m going to get in on that. And then I thought lol I’ve got no yellow clothes, because I’ve always been convinced that yellow looked really weird on me – you see the colour of my hair at the bottom? That’s the colour it used to be all over. Add yellow clothing, particularly on my top half, and it pretty much just blended into my hair.

How to wear yellowHow to wear a yellow skirt

It wasn’t until I spotted this floaty, floral midi with asymmetric hem in New Look that I decided to give it a whirl (although, side note: the website describes it as ‘orange’. Mate that is ridiculous, this is absolutely and categorically yellow). In all honesty this is not really the kind of thing I would usually go for, but something about it called my name so I thought fine, you win, take my money and I’ll be on my merry way.

I wore it for the first time out to dinner and paired it with nude heeled sandals, but with a white tee (which you might recognise from this post) on top to make it a little less dressy. I actually think this skirt would be fab with bright heels and a dressy top, to maybe pick out some of the pinks in the print, but that wasn’t quite necessary on a Wednesday evening in Norwich when I was already drawing enough attention to myself by posing on street corners and making my poor boyfriend take photos of me, so I settled for this in the end. It would also be lovely with tan mid heel sandals and a tan bag, or with a white tee and converse…so it’s probably not as difficult to wear as it might first appear.

Ways to style yellowStyling a yellow skirtNew Look yellow midi skirtNew Look yellow skirtTop – New Look | Skirt – New Look | Shoes – Primark | Sunnies – Primark

The ‘orange’ skirt has just gone down to £14 in the sale, so it’s an absolute bargain, and it’s one of those items that you put on and just feel good in. I’m totally aboard the yellow bandwagon and have seen so many other things I’d like to pick up in various shades – pastel, mustard, saffron…I’m game for all of it really (although I may have to draw the line at neon). Here’s a couple of the things on my current yellow wishlist, they’re super affordable and some are even on sale, so it would probably be rude not to pick one or two up…

1. (1)1. ASOS Tea Dress 2. New Look Wrap Top 3. New Look Floral Skirt 4. Forever 21 Mules 5. Marks & Spencer Cross Body Bag

Now can we just all take a moment to imagine a yellow gingham ruffled dress? And please can someone make me one of those because I immediately love it even though I’ve never seen it…

What shades are you loving for summer style this year? And most importantly, what does everyone think would be a good purchase from the items above?

Photos: Rob Poor

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52 thoughts on “Summer style: more yellow, please”

  1. Orange?!!! Ha! Where on earth did they get that idea from?! The skirt is beautiful, I’ve been trying to find a nice maxi skirt for ages. I had a very very quick look in New Look at the weekend and they seemed to have some nice bits in, think I need to investigate!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I KNOW, I don’t know how they came to the orange conclusion. They do have some lovely stuff at the moment (and loads in the sale), I need to get down there again too!


  2. I am going to look for this skirt next time in store! I’m obsessed too!!! Except my favourite yellow item is a short leather skirt which is super short and I’m looking for something to wear more casual, so this might be the one x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh is the short leather one from Zara? I’ve seen one in there like that and its lovely! But yeah sometimes you just need a bit of a longer length 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No I haven’t been luck enough to even get a chance to shop in Zara, mine is from new look they have one in every colour and I’m tempted to buy them all 😁 xx


    1. Eeeek I really want a yellow dress because you’re right, they look so perfectly summery! The background is Norwich, my hometown, I always forget that it’s cute but it definitely is so I’m glad you think so 🙂 x


  3. Looking beaaaaaautiful Sophie! Your boyf did a excellent job with the snaps I must say, and that skirt is just DREAMY, I may have to treat myself >:) I haven’t actually got any yellow in my wardrobe and it is underrated. New Look are the BUT how the bloomin’ ek dot they think it is orange?! Immy x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh thanks you absolute gem – I feel a bit bad asking him to take snaps all the time! New Look really are fab – their sales are also seriously the one, so much good stuff! Seriously though…I’m not sure who came to the conclusion it is orange but that person is very wrong pahaha xxx


    1. Thanks Corinne! I always forget how cute some of the cobbled streets here are so thought it was about time I tried some photos there 🙂 Can totally see why you would only wear it on holiday, very much a summer holiday colour i think xx


    1. Pahaha I know – someone needs to double check that I think! I bet you would look great in yellow with your lovely dark hair! xx


  4. This skirt looks so lovely on you, I love the print and I love it dressed down with that white tee too. I’d love to see the tie dye shorts and crop top ensemble – it sounds great haha and the fact that your sister had matching is even better! I had an awful yellow and blue top/leggings set that matched with my sister too haha, too cool!
    Amy xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Pahaha yess I’m glad you two also had to be put in matching clothes too! The tie dye set really was awful. Thanks gal, you’re a gem xxx


    1. Yesss it would be such a winner wouldnt it! Literally going to be looking out for one everywhere even though it may not exist haha xx


    1. Ahhh you babe, you are so lovely – thank you! I feel the same about it but gave it a go on this occasion anyway because I always want to but chicken out haha xx


    1. Thanks lovely! I’m still not quite sure that it suits me but giving it a go anyway 🙂 I bet you would look gorge in it! x


      1. Ahhh thank you so much, what a lovely thing to say 🙂 (the last part is what I’m referring to with that by the way haha – because I’m sure none of it looks awful on you!) xxx

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Ava – and yes, me too! I actually found a yellow gingham dress yesterday which I can’t wait to shoot! xx


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